Timothee is pretty, dreams about some shit. Actually a LOT of shit. Probably too much shit. “I wanna fuck wit sand people” says Timothee so he goes to doonworld to try to do that.
But this place is bananas. Alaskan Bullworms everywhere. “You can’t walk normal, you have to tango,” says Timothee, so they tango. Fatman come and is like “lmao shields” and fucks some shit up, but Tim Daddy is like “lol check this mouth gas bic” and almost kills Fatman. Timmy 1v1’s at Baron with sandman and wins, Zendaya starts giving him the fuckme eyes like in all those dreams.
Movie ok- moves too quickly through big moments, so the big moments don’t feel like nothin. Script isn’t great, kind of predictable, borderline eyerolly lines at times. Acting ok but script don’t give them much to work with. Visuals are fuckin dope though. Also Timothee is pretty. Music is lame, Hans Zimmer phoned in the same boring BWAAAAAAAAAHMMMMM droney shit he been doin for the last ten years, but this time with BAGPIPES.